From the roots of knowledge
to the pinnacle of success!

We are, at this moment, at an exhilarating turning point in the history of the education of our past achievements …

The question about the purposes of education is universal, yet not timeless, whatever the formulations may have been …


Register for the latest entrance tests for the academic year 2025 – 2026.

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An ambitious and responsible pedagogy

The world in which we live is changing rapidly. That is why the vision “For an Ambitious and Responsible Pedagogy” is set up to meet today’s requirements and build the dynamic and prosperous world of tomorrow.
For this redefined vision, we aspire to a complete and continuous education system that supports children from 3 months to 18 years old. This system will recognize well-being as a determining factor for academic success and promote greater equity so that all students achieve their full potential.

An ambitious and responsible pedagogy

Our Vision

For this redefined vision, we aspire for a complete and continuous education system that supports children from 3 months to 18 years old.

Our Heritage

Over the past 42 years, our achievements have been numerous. Indeed, our record..


Register for the latest entrance tests for the year 2025-2026.

Values ​​& Commitments

Develop the full potential of our learners

We are at this moment, at an exhilarating turning point in the history of our school’s education. Our past achievements serve as solid foundations for our future successes.

Moreover, by raising expectations about what our system can achieve, the vision “for an ambitious and responsible pedagogy” will help us to discover and develop the full potential of our learners.

School Levels

Our pedagogical approach ...


Cedar Kids

Cedar Kids occupy a privileged place in our entire childcare system


Junior Cedar

The programs implemented, have the explicit objective of providing the teachers with a set of skills…

Collège le Cedre

Cedar Middle School

We set ourselves the goal of forging the personality of the student, to develop their own critical thinking  skills

Lycée gs le cedre

Cedar High School

We have been working to implement, since the 1st year of the cycle, a differentiated pedagogy…

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Events & Projects

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