The question regarding the aims of education, if indeed it is universal, is not timeless. Whatever the wording, the questions: “Who do we want to train?”, “Why?” and “ what For?” are essential when we talk about “guiding” someone towards something. However, the answers to these questions have varied according to the societies that have asked them.
Contemporary reflection on the “why and how to train” question therefore requires an examination of the world in which we live… In fact, we live in a world where the phenomena of globalization, new information and communication technology (NICT) and the knowledge economy intersect… In order to deal with this new world, as part of its liberating aspect, education must aim for the development of an individual, as both author and actor of his or her own life, linked to other people as citizens.
Critical thinking, ethics and autonomy are then complemented by a sense of responsibility, solidarity, tolerance and participation which must contribute to conferring on the world its ultimate meaning.
This is how the idea of close cooperation between two cultures, Arab-Muslim and Western, was born, as a prelude to an educational space imbued with tolerance, where differences are allowed freedom of expression.
This is how we have approached the establishment of a trilingual education, which grants English the status of a second foreign language starting at kindergarten, a choice that we consider more in line with the geographical situation of our country; land of the setting sun where the ethnic, religious and cultural differences of men and women from various backgrounds have faded; a melting pot for the type of person who carries sincere and promising universal ideals, which we must nurture.
In fact, our logo “THE CEDAR”, a tree associated with the Middle Atlas region, is a symbol of strength which draws its energy and sustenance from the depths of the soil, and breathes in the winds from its summit to absorb their vitality and resources. The cedar reflects the type of person to whose fulfillment we seek to contribute. Our logo thus brings to mind the metaphor that our late King, HASSAN II, loved to evoke in comparing modern Morocco to a tree; authentic in its roots and cosmopolitan in its branches.
To work towards this ideal, our mission requires us, within the sphere of our responsibilities and prerogatives, to participate in the implementation of the educational drivers and guidelines of the National Charter for Education and Training, through updating skills, lesson content and teaching materials in accordance with the directives of His Majesty Mohamed VI.
We are therefore called upon to make foresight and exploration of our preferred instruments, to be on the lookout for changes on the horizon and to avert the negative effects of the intangible.
Founder and P.D.G of
Groupe Scolaire Le Cèdre
M. Abdelkamel LAHLOU
19 rue Mohamed Bahi, Quartier Palmier, Casablanca 20250
+212 661 14 32 11
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